Eye Casualty

Patients can self refer to the eye clinic by any of the following:

  • Telephoning 111
  • Attending A&E at the RD&E Wonford Hospital

The above will make the referral and arrange an appointment

Eye Casualty at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital offers emergency eye treatment for the following conditions.

  • Sudden onset of flashes or floaters
  • Chemical eye injuries – make sure you immediately irrigate the eye with water for 15 to 20 minutes after injury.
  • Severe trauma such as a penetrating eye injury
  • Total loss of vision
  • Excruciating pain
  • Your eyelid is so swollen the eye cannot be seen at all

The Royal Devon & Exeter Eye Casualty is a nurse practitioner run service operating 7 days a week 365 days a year led by a Staff Grade Ophthalmologist. They are happy to discuss all ophthalmic problems with patients and offer advice and guidance on the care patients many need including the most appropriate place for them to be seen.

Emergency and minor injury patients are accepted into the service following triage in the main Emergency Department area. The room is open between 9:15am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 9:15am to 6pm weekends and bank holidays. Outside these hours the Emergency Department team will triage and treat you with the support on an on-call ophthalmologist.

Date published: 28th March, 2023
Date last updated: 28th March, 2023